Getting organized with Fritzing

Fritzing is a way to create schematics of circuitry. Before this I wasn’t using anything like it and relied mainly on pictures I had taken. Now that I’m using Fritzing and I feel significantly more organized. I think it makes it a lot easier to think about what I’m doing. An added bonus is it’s a lot easier to share with other people.
It comes with some components, but it’s not all of them. When you need more you just search for the part with google and make sure to include “.fzz”. I’ve found most parted I’ve needed exactly except for the cheap MAX6675 chip I purchased off of Amazon. For that one, I had to modify another part, the one that says “Mono 2.6W”. It has the right pin order and I was able to modify it using edit part.
An example of a project I’ve used this on can be found here.